1Call Integrating Social Media with RED ALERT Notification System

As the number of hospitals and healthcare organizations continue to embrace social media increases system developers and vendors need to adapt as well. AMTELCO’s 1Call Division as taken the next step toward helping their customers by integrating with social media outlets.

1Call’s RED ALERT system allows messages and notifications to be sent to a few or a large group of recipients based on a particular disaster, incident, event or changing condition. In the past when an alert was triggered, messages were sent to pagers, email addresses, mobile phones (sms or voice), fax machines or land-line phones. Recently our developers used the Twitter application programming interface (API) as a bridge to incorporate some popular Social Media outlets as part of RED ALERT’s message delivery capabilities. Now hospital and healthcare organizations using RED ALERT can not only notify first responders, but it can also deliver information to their Twitter, Blog and Facebook followers when alerts are triggered.

Social Media has been used in the past to keep people informed during events. As an integrated part of RED ALERT, administrators can use RED ALERT as a single point to post messages or share information with Social Media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook as well as send messages to traditional communication devices. Integrating Social Media with traditional platforms will help our hospital customers communicate with many more people than in the past. Now, events such as changing weather conditions, flu season information, disasters, health news, wellness class information and emergency room wait times can be handled by RED ALERT and the Social Media integration to get information to anyone that wants it, and from whatever source they choose to receive it from.


RED ALERT with Social Media

For More information on RED ALERT visit http://www.redalertsystem.com/, call 800.380.7345 or send an email to info@redalertsystem.com.

Matt Everly is the marketing director for Amtelco’s 1Call healthcare division and can be reached at maeverly@1call.com

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1Call Introduces MiteyMite, A Revolutionary Communication Tool

McFarland, WI – July 2009 – 1Call is pleased to introduce MiteyMite, a dynamic software application that allows physicians and all staff enterprise-wide to quickly and easily communicate with fellow staff members. MiteyMite eliminates the need for sticky notes, paper directories, printing costs, wasted time trying to find numbers, and calling operators. MiteyMite gives better quality care to patients through more efficient staff communications.

MiteyMite can call, page, send an e-mail, SMS text message, or instant message. MiteyMite uses SIP dialing to call or page anyone directly from the desktop, and even Record the conversation. MiteyMite also keeps physicians and staff updated about information important to your organization by displaying the designated RSS feeds.Using the MiteyMite’s innovative incremental search box, physicians and staff can rapidly locate staff members by typing a name or phone number. With each keystroke, MiteyMite updates the search results with the closest matching name or number, saving time for physicians and staff. MiteyMite can access information in optionally included Directories, Patient Information Directories, and also link to Microsoft® Outlook® contacts.

For more information, contact 1Call at (800)356-9148, visit http://www.1call.com, or e-mail

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