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Scripting a Better Work Environment for Your Agents

By David Michael Drenk

“Hal, can you transfer me to Dr. Smith?”

“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Attitudes about message scripting differ in the call center industry. Some call center managers and business owners want to make sure each call is scripted so tightly that there is no room for agents to make mistakes, but others don’t want to limit their agents’ ability to make decisions and deal with unusual situations.

Some clients require a strict protocol without deviation, but if you are a manager who considers your employees your biggest asset, you have the right idea. Fortunately, message scripting can actually make your agents’ lives easier in many ways without hindering their ability to use their skills.

Computers are great, but they aren’t as great as people. A blog or a photo posted on Facebook and emailed to an ever-growing list of friends doesn’t beat a one-on-one conversation. Callers may not have time to chat about the weather when they contact your call center, but they do want someone to listen to what they have to say. Message scripting doesn’t have to be used to feed agents every line of a conversation; it also can be used in much simpler ways.

With scripting software, you can use “required” and “non-required” fields to control just how much of a message is scripted. If you make the important fields “required,” agents know which pieces of information a client insists upon, like a callback number or the caller’s last name, even if you aren’t dictating the whole conversation. This makes life easier for the agents because they are reminded when they skip a crucial field.

Scripts also can be used to validate data, such as making sure that a phone number isn’t missing any digits, an email address is in the correct format, or the number of items in an order isn’t outside of the minimum or maximum limit. Scripts can be designed to display helper text that lets agents know immediately when entries are invalid so the correct information is gathered while the caller is still on the phone.

“Hal, can you tell me who’s on-call?”

“I’m sorry, Dave. I don’t have enough information.”

Besides guiding the agent, message scripting can provide the agent with resources. Scripts can automatically pull information from Automatic Number Identification (ANI), directories, on-call schedules, and databases based on which number is being called, the time of day, caller responses, or options selected by the agent. These tools give agents information about the caller and your clients without making them take time to find it.

Scripts can present a client’s status or display information about who is on-call without making agents go to an on-call schedule. The message script can use this information to control what steps are taken, but it also can simply display the information so agents can use it in whatever way applies.

Another useful scripting tool is advanced data handling. Message scripting can handle complex math formulas, data comparisons, text manipulation, and date and time functions. Use scripts to total order quantities, apply discounts, calculate sales tax, and set the time for a callback reminder.

Why risk offending callers by asking their age when you can ask for their birth date and have the script determine if they are under 18 or over 65? Moreover, why not tell agents if the office is open instead of having agents compare the time to the office hours? If the office is in another time zone, your agents don’t need to remember to add or subtract an hour if the script does it for them.

Advanced data handling can save your agents a lot of time and let them focus on the caller.

“Hal, has the address of the Kansas office changed?”

“Dave, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

Remember the impression the Land of Oz made on Dorothy when she stepped out of her black-and-white house? How about adding a little color to your agents’ lives? A powder-blue background can let agents know which client accounts require extra care, and colored-coded text to distinguish between client information and dispatching instructions can make their jobs easier.

Agents often feel insulted when every piece of critical information is displayed in flashing red print. However, if your agents know every time something new is added to an account it will be in forest-green text for three weeks, they’ll watch for that and won’t get stuck in a routine. Combine colors with calculations and you won’t have to tell agents that the client is gone for the day; the violet message box will say it without words.

“Hal, what if this had been an emergency?”

“Dave, quite honestly, I wouldn’t worry myself about that.”

Branching is a powerful scripting tool that can change the fields or information displayed based on a variety of conditions. If your message forms have labels like, “If yes, list why,” or, “If an emergency, get location,” you could use some branching. Scripting makes it easy to compare a caller’s response to a list of results, perform certain actions on specific days and at specific times, or simply display information relevant to the reason for the call.

Branching can be used to change the call flow, but in a less stringent way, it also can be used to simplify the information presented to agents. If you have a list of information that only needs to be gathered in emergencies, don’t make your agents sift through it on every call. Tie it to a button or a “yes or no” option, making it available to agents only when they need it.

Message scripting doesn’t have to be used to control your agents. Message scripting can be used to make their jobs easier without taking away their ability to use their talents. The tools are available to make a better work environment for your agents and better interactions with your callers.

“Hi, Dave, this is Krista. Sorry, Hal doesn’t have the best people skills. Dr. Smith is in surgery, but Dr. Johnson is covering for him. Do you want me to transfer you to Dr. Johnson, or would you like me to email your contact information to the office?”

“Go ahead and email my contact information. And thanks, Krista. It was nice talking with you.”

David Michael Drenk is a technical writer for Amtelco, where he writes software manuals and designs customized message scripts. David also has written for “Event DV” and “Wisconsin Engineer” magazines.

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Healthcare Intelligent On-Call Schedules-going from paper to a web based system

Many hospitals believe it or not still use a manual paper-based method to create, manage and use on-call schedules that follow doctors and nurses that are on-call for a particular shift. Many of these schedules are assembled by departments and sent to call center or switchboard operators that assemble all of the schedules during the overnight shift. We have worked with hospitals that had over 150 on-call schedules that had to be collated, assembled and bound in folders for the following day. To say that is inefficient is an understatement.

There are two major problems with a paper based on-call scheduling system. First is that as soon as its printed and bound, a change will be made rendering it out of date with incorrect information, meaning all of the distributed binders need to be updated by hand. The second problem is that the information only lives at the location of the binder. If a physician or nurse wants to know their schedule they need to call someone that has a binder or physically email have the information to each person. Both of these problems lead to inefficiency and waste.

By automating your on call scheduling system you solve both of these problems as well as gain functionality that you would never get with a paper based on call scheduling system. Automating your on-call schedules and creating web access you allow departments to create and update their own on-call schedules, allow physicians and nurses to view their schedules virtually anywhere in the world. Also, you can take advantage of the electronic format which allows paging, calling, emailing, and viewing of on-call schedules from any web-enabled device.

Our customers have helped us fine-tune our automated on call scheduling package. We have developed dozens of new features since rolling out this product over ten years ago. These features are now a vital part of the daily communications in hundreds of hospitals that use the Intelligent Series on-call scheduling package. Automated on-call scheduling packages have developed over time and are robust with features and most can handle even the most difficult, unique and detailed on-call schedules.

Matt Everly is the marketing director for Amtelco’s 1Call healthcare division and can be reached at

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AMTELCO 1Call “Sandbox” search for operators “movie”

Kevin Beale, Director of Product Development and Michael Quimby, Training Specialist talk about the Sandbox search feature for Amtelco Infinity operators at the fall 2009 webinar on Sept. 30, 2009.

For a larger viewing size version this movie go to

CDC | Preparedness Resources for Hospitals

CDC | Preparedness Resources for Hospitals

Amtelco’s 1Call Division offers a number of different communications tool for hospitals to use in emergency situations. The RED ALERT emergency notification system helps you react quickly in all types of urgent situations. For more information visit

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Amtelco’s 1Call Division holds successful fall 2009 training and product showcase webinar

We would like to thank the 30 hospital and healthcare call center customers that joined us for the webinar. We would especially like to thank the speakers for taking the time to share how they use their Infinity system to process calls, save time and eliminate errors. The agenda for the webinar is posted below as well as a few pictures from Amtelco.

September 29, 2009

Morning Session – A
8:30 – 10:00 Intelligent Series Scripts – Main Line, Answering Service, Codes

Michael Quimby and Stacey Olson

10:00 – 10:30 BREAK
10:30 – 12:00 Intelligent Series Scripts – Main Line, Answering Service, Codes

Michael Quimby, Stacey Olson and Melinda Keltner

12 – 1 p.m.   LUNCH

Afternoon Session – B
1:00 – 2:30 Remote Operators and Operator Training
2:30 – 3:00 BREAK
3:00 – 4:30 H1N1 Pandemic Call Center Planning

September 30, 2009

Morning Session –  C
8:30 – 10:00 What’s New

Kevin Beale

10:00 – 10:30 BREAK
10:30 – 12:00 Web On-Call Scheduling
Presenter Kevin Beale

Presenter Kevin Beale

Amtelco employees viewing the 1Call webinar

Amtelco employees viewing the 1Call webinar

MC Mike Friedel VP Sales for Amtelco's 1Call Division

M.C. Mike Friedel VP Sales for Amtelco's 1Call Division

AMTELCO Infinity – Intelligent Console for Healthcare Applications Receives NORTEL Certificate of Compatibility.

Infinity is used as a smart PC based PBX console and call center system for hospitals, healthcare organizations and higher education.  The Certificate of Compatibility is for the following Nortel platforms.

Fall 2009 1Call Trade Shows and Conferences

Toledo, OH | September 17-18

Asheville, NC | September 20-23
Reach for the Stars
Bloomington, MN | September 24-26
Annual 1Call Leadership Conference and
Training Seminar

Online | September 29-30
Wisconsin Dells, WI | October 14-16
Midwest HIMSS
Wisconsin Dells, WI | November 2-3

5 Tips for hospital inbound call handling and the “virtual lobby”

Hospital call centers or PBX switchboards are “virtual lobbies” for healthcare facilities and organizations. As the saying goes, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.”  There is a right and wrong way to handle incoming calls from prospective patient customers. The five best call handling tips to make a great first impression include:

1.) Have incoming calls answered by a real person in a timely manner.

2.) Give the person handling the call immediate access to information needed to deal with the caller’s needs. All information should be in front of the operator on a single PC screen.

3.) Keep transfers to a minimum (one transfer should be the maximum)

4.) Make sure that the call handler is trained, kind, knowledgeable, patient and helpful

5.) Provide follow-up information and actions. Doctor and nurse call backs and automated appointment reminders help keep your patient customers informed.

These actions may seem simple but difficult to achieve based on outdated call center technology and long standing archaic processes that include the use of paper binders, multiple database access and “stick on” notes.

The hospital call center blog is managed by 1Call, a Division of AMTELCO. For more information on improving your virtual lobby contact 1call at 800-356-9148, or

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Helping out your hospital PBX switchboard and call center operators while improving your healthcare organization’s image.

Hospital telephone operators like Rodney Dangerfield “Get NO respect.” Many times you will find them armed with outdated technology, post-it notes, binders and office space in the basement near something noisy. Does that make sense to a group of folks that many times are your first contact with someone may that needs your services? Honestly, how friendly can they really be in that environment? However, you DO have options.

We recently worked with a hospital in Wisconsin that turned the operators frown’s upside-down. They flew the coup, literally and started working from the cozy confines of home with the latest technology and comforts known to mankind. Operators log-on from home without concerns about a commute, weather or sick children. They are equipped field all calls with the latest telephony technology and hospital specific software applications. Operators can answer and transfer calls, access directories and on-call schedules, page, give directions, use the chat feature to share information with other operators and much more!

It’s a win-win-win situation! A win for the healthcare organization because they have happy folks answering the phone, become more efficient and free up office space, a win for the customer because they are talking to someone that is happy and has the tools to help them immediately, and a win for the operators that can do their jobs without technology challenges or external issues.

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